Retailers hear “You need to do this on your website” and they immediately think of something else that is more “fun” for them. Ok, maybe not. But for many retailers websites fall into a separate category of importance and prioritization. Almost like the gym January 4th. Hot one day. For about a week. Then it is back to the same old routines. One could make a blanket statement that COVID has “pulled” the need for web “awesomeness” 5 years forward (or more – the great accelerator of all things digital for retail), but I still see many retailers struggling with the basic “blocking and tackling” of daily web activities. You want the cart to ring – but you are not doing enough to make it happen! (I said cart – don’t just think ecommerce! Consumers still come to stores!!)
Today – I am going to cover one that needs (warrants) daily review and action:
Merchandising your Website
Before I begin – DO NOT equate merchandising to ecommerce. Whether instore or online – it is all about engagement! The register rings – who cares where! It is a conversion. That said;
(Thank you WIKI) – Get your best items in front of your prospects first!
Think of the retail floor – the main showroom. The first thing the “customer” sees when they cross the physical threshold of your store – what do they see? They see a strategically curated mix of items. Best sellers. Top collections and items. High profit items and loss leaders. Nothing there without some sort of purpose – carefully placed to grab their attention (engagement). NOW – quickly replace the words associated with “main showroom” with the words related to your “website”; same statement – Think of the consumer – the digital showroom. The first thing the “customer” sees when they visit your website – what do they see? Are they presented with that cohesive merchandised experience? That purposefully curated selection – That engages and delights while aligning with your retail business goals?!! Really….?!
DON’T Panic. Just make it a priority. It is not a difficult exercise – it just needs to happen (on a regular basis).
A few tips to get you going!
Prioritize in stock and on display.
Consumer hat on – what gets you visit to a particular store. Beyond salt and pepper and daily consumables. I’ll bet it has something to do with “do they have it ready for me to see/evaluate/purchase/take”? As a retailer we have to do all we can to set the items you have ready for the consumer to come snatch up flagged on the site as “in stock”. If you have multiple locations – where they are “in stock”. These items must be front and center. The first things they see. Going one step further – hopefully your web platform has the ability to “sort” by those items that are ready for immediate purchase and pick-up. BOPIS anyone?? (Research that).
Here is an example from Target. Look how easy they make this for you (hello consumer);
One click the consumer can see what is ready for them now!
Focus on items with short lead times
If you have 8 coffee table items in stock, but have 10 others that can be in the consumers hands within a few weeks – consider prioritizing those. As a consumer you want a solid selection of items that meet that sense of urgency. Sometimes a brief wait is ok. Supply is always a challenge – so if you do elect to add a bit of depth to your prioritization – make sure you visit this on a regular basis with each vendor.
Fill-in with vendor best sellers
As I mentioned above – having an ample selection within a category of products has a huge impact. In stock, short lead time items, then consider best sellers in that category from the vendors you carry. (They may already be in stock or short lead time so you may already be there). But you should always be asking your reps and suppliers – what is hot. There could be a few secret gems to add to the product mix.
Keep it “thematically” related
Ever hear the term “hodgepodge”
Ironically the Google definition mentions furniture! When you are adding products to categories – make sure they “belong” with the rest of the items you carry in that category of products. Sticking with the Coffee Table example. You have 20 coffee tables listed – all very modern and classic. Yet you have one coffee table that is shag covered with LED lighting (I’ve seen it – it is a thing). Yes it is technically still a coffee table – but does it fit? Or does it make it feel like a hodgepodge?!
Think about the fold.
Ever hear someone say – “Keep it above the fold”? When you visit a website, without scrolling – what you see – is “above the fold”. That immediate glance and presentation – without user input.
Using Target again;
Why is “the fold” important?!! Consumer hat on – you look at “Coffee Tables” and there are 3. That is it. And then blank space. What does that do you your experience? Would you rush – credit card in hand to do business with that retailer? Maybe – probably not. Make sure you have a healthy assortment. If your web page has 2 rows of products above the fold – make sure you deliver a fulfilling experience!
Let’s leave Target alone. Let’s look at Wayfair. Boom. Coffee Tables. No other user “interaction”. Above the fold.
Just imagine if they only had 1 coffee table. You get the point. NOTE: as a consumer “refines” their selection – naturally the number of items will shrink as they narrow the selection. I am discussing main category pages for the products you focus on on your site! Would you dedicate valuable physical floor space to “Rugs” and only have 2? Point made!
To Recap:
Prioritize in stock and on display
Focus on items with short lead times
Fill-in with vendor best sellers
Keep it “thematically” related
Think about the fold
Merchandising your site with the same level of detail as you dedicate to your main showroom will produce results! Consumers have expectations – take these steps to meet them! If you don’t have time – assign them to a key team member and hold them accountable. Either way – You will be glad you did.
Retail on.